Working in Taiwan after graduation 收藏
大學問編輯部 2022-06-07 Global

By wages and work experience
This method allows foreign professionals of 7 categories, as specified by the Ministry of Labor, to work in Taiwan. These talents may not necessarily graduate from a Taiwanese university or college. Among the work categories, you may be employed for specialized or technical works as defined by the Ministry of Labor. Before undertaking the job, you are required to possess a Master’s degree or above; or a Bachelor’s degree with at least 2 years of work experience in the specific field. Besides, your average monthly salary should not be less than NT$47,971. Moreover, each type of work requires different qualifications and documents for application.★ For more information, please visit EZ Work Taiwan.
By the new rating system for foreign or overseas Chinese students to work in Taiwan
This method allows foreign and overseas Chinese students, who have studied and graduated from one of the Taiwanese university or college, to work in Taiwan. If you apply through this channel, you will be assessed based on 7 criteria, including education level, salary, work experience, job qualifications, Chinese language proficiency, other languages proficiency or overseas residing experience, and scholarship award or academic results during study. Your intended employer also needs to comply with the government’s industrial development policies. A minimum of 70 points is required for obtaining a work permit in Taiwan. Table 1 shows the scoring criteria and the required documents for the application of a work permit.
It is the employer who would like to hire you to get a work permit for you. He or she can apply for your work permit by one of the following ways:1. Online application –
Go to “Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional” of the Workforce Development Agency of the Ministry of Labor, upload required documents and settle the application fee online or at any post offices.
2. Paper application –
Download the application form according to different types of work, fill in the form, submit the required documents to the Workforce Development Agency of the Ministry of Labor (Address: No.39 Zhonghua Rd., Sec. 1, 10 Fl., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City) and settle the application fee at the reception counter or any post offices.
Application fee (new hire or extension)
NT$500 per case.
Processing time
Given that all the required documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the assessment criteria, the processing time of different application methods is as follows:
1. Online application – 7 working days
2. Paper application – 12 working days
Period of validity
The maximum validity for each work permit is 3 years, and it can be extended 4 months before the end of the employment, or two-third of the employment duration if it is less than 6 months; whereas there is no limit to the number of extensions.
If the work permit is unfortunately lost, you or your employer can apply for replacement of the work permit either by paper application or online application through the same online system. You will need to provide information about the case number and validity of your work permit, your name and passport number, as well as the reason for replacement. The re-issuance fee is NT$100.
★ For more information, please visit EZ Work Taiwan.